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NABET 700-M UNIFOR represents over 3000 Film, Television and New Media Technicians in the province of Ontario.

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May 9, 2014

May 9th News Report from your Los Angeles Representative

Happy Friday everyone,

The Governor's race in California is starting to heat up and candidates are stepping up and being heard with regards to keeping film and television production in California. As detailed in the Los Angeles Times below, Replication Tim Donnelly has made public his support of a proposal which would eliminate the current annual cap on incentives, and allow for a credit equal to 20% of production spending in California.

The story of New York's swift and sure emergence as a film and television industry powerhouse took over the front page of last Sunday's Los Angeles Times. As noted below, "Tinsel Town is being upstaged by the Big Apple — in film location shoots, in TV shows and even in glitzy premieres like the recent one for Spider-Man".

The trades have been full of television news this past week as network upfronts approach and decisions are made about television pilot pick ups and series renewals. Studios System News below took an in-depth look at some of the winners and losers.

And finally this week, the Vancouver Sun touted the VFX talent in that city with a lengthy examination of how several large projects have helped the industry there flourish.

Please feel free to distribute this e-mail widely and to get in touch with me with comments or links for inclusion.

Warmest regards,

Kelly Graham-Scherer
Los Angeles Representative
Toronto/ Ontario Film Office

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